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Personal Statement

Human life is full of overwhelming challenges and it has never been smooth. The challenges have corrupted the minds of human beings and this leads to mental disorders and stress. Mental disorder is groups of mental diseases that are best treated by psychological processes. I am a clinical psychologist and I have practice counseling psychology for many years. This has given me a wide range of attributes including problem-solving ability, empathy on patients, cross-cultural sensitivity, trustworthiness, patience, ethics, and passion in learning more on clinical psychology (Neimeyer, Taylor, Wear, & Buyukgoze-Kavas, 2011). I focus on the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral, mental, and emotional disorders. I address several problems that challenge human beings ranging from depressions, eating disorders, substance abuse, and anxiety. I help the clients to win the challenging situation by canceling them. I chose this profession because I like helping people to overcome their challenges in their lives. I am happy about seeing people living happier without stress. I understand that there are people who are in need of psychological development and this power my interest in my career. People will choose to work with me because I have a lot of experience and I will deliver the best services to them.



Based on the vast experience that I acquired through education, volunteering, and work, my area of specialty is so wide. Not only that I widen my area of specialty, but I am competent in all the areas in which I believe that I deliver services of high quality. The following is a list of areas in which I specialize;

  • Mental disorders

  • Career and school adjustment concerns

  • Organizational problems

  • Development of an individual's identity

  • Difficulties in relationships (marital and family difficulties)

  • Adjusting to and dealing with disabilities and debases

  • Stress management and coping with difficult events

  • Social and personal adjustment

  • Recurrent difficulties

Treatment Preferences

According to Heatherington, Messer, Angus, Strauman, Friedlander, & Kolden (2012), psychology is modeling and like any other model, it borrows heavily from theoretical frameworks. I implement theories to justify my psychological exercise. In my practice, I utilize theoretical orientation form the following theories;

  • Behavioral Theory

  • Cognitive Theory

  • Psychodynamic/Psychoanalysis Theory

  • Humanistic Approach Theory

  • Integrative/Holistic Therapy

I use Solution-Oriented as my treatment orientation. I normally work from a solution-oriented perspective by trying to change the focus from problem to solution. I avoid exploring challenges but instead, I assist the client to establish their own solutions. I avoid direct advice and encourage the client to build and appreciate the skills that they already have. The treatment tends to end when the challenge is resolved and it is usually short. My counseling psychology treatment works with the following modalities; organization, individual person, family, young couples, schools, and groups of individual.  

Client Focus

I am fluent in English, French, and Spanish languages and the population in which my service works include;

  • Pupils in nursery schools.

  • The adolescent group.

  • Pupils in primary schools.

  • Young couples.

  • Old people of age, not more than 90 years.

  • Patients with serious mental problems.

  • A group of individual with bind targets.

Confidentiality and Limitations

Counseling psychology involves the recording of information of the client during counseling sessions. However, this information will remain confidential, especially those that involve clients’ health status and personal data. The counseling session does not disclose the client's information in any way. The confidentiality of the client information is limited to the client’s authority to have the session disclose the information or it/him/her personal will to disclose the information.       




Heatherington, L., Messer, S. B., Angus, L., Strauman, T. J., Friedlander, M. L., & Kolden, G. G. (2012). The narrowing of theoretical orientations in clinical psychology doctoral training. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 19(4), 364-374.

Neimeyer, G. J., Taylor, J. M., Wear, D. M., & Buyukgoze-Kavas, A. (2011). How special are the specialties? Workplace settings in counseling and clinical psychology in the United States. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 24(1), 43-53.

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